Cast Urethane Services
Cast Urethane
High-quality and cost-effective parts production
Accurately Mimic the Physical Properties
Cast urethane manufacturing uses a combination of 3D printing and silicone or urethane molds to produce parts that accurately mimic the physical properties of injection molded parts.
Quick and Efficient
Parts made through cast urethane services can be cast quickly and efficiently, saving you turnaround time.
Highly Customizable
Cast urethane parts are highly customizable, with a large variety of colors, surface textures, and in-mold decoration available.
How it Works
Cast urethane starts with a Silicone Rubber Mold (SRM) produced through 3D printing. This mold, referred to as the master model, is then filled with two separate urethane liquids that, when mixed, cause a chemical reaction that turns them from a liquid to a solid. Once the newly formed part is properly cured, it is removed from the mold and completed.
Quickparts completes projects through urethane casting just days after completing the SRM tooling. Short runs of several hundred pieces can be delivered within weeks in most cases.

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